Over the last year I have been incredibly happy to see some of the grocery stores embracing the organic movement and starting to stock their shelves with sustainably-produced products. Today, I’ll focus on the two stores I frequent often, mostly because of convenience and price: Nob Hill and Safeway.
Nob Hill Foods‘ organic brand, FullCircle, includes just about anything you may want to stock in your fridge, pantry, bathroom or hall closet: canned and dry products, meat, veggies, cleaning supplies, diapers, etc. The stores are a little less prevalent than I’d like, but if there is a Nob Hill near by (find your local Nob Hill store), its a great place to get your organic and humanely-raised products.
To view the company’s response to my question about humane-handling of animals, just see my post here.

Also, if you are a seafood fiend (as I am), you’ll be happy to learn that Safeway (and family store Vons) tops the Greenpeace seafood sustainability listing. Grocery giant has already discontinued sales of any ‘red-list’ or unsustainably caught species and just this month announced that its Safeway brand canned tuna will now be responsibly obtained by the end of 2012.