Places to buy

Find grocers and restaurants who sell humanely-raised.


Originally I had started to put together my own list of grocers and restaurants where you can purchase humanely-raised meats. However, with so many great search tools out there, my lists are quite limited.

While I’m leaving the info I’ve gathered below, use the tools on the right to find which grocers and restaurants carry humanely-raised meat.


Northern California grocers who are currently carrying humanely-raised products.



More and more businesses are offering humanely-raised options, as well as a much wider vegetarian menu. To list all the restaurants would be rather impossible, but here are just a few of my favorites.

There are also several chain restaurants that carry humanely raised meats like Chipotle and Counter.

Country Gourmet – Sunnyvale, CA
Manresa – Los Gatos, CA
Parcel 104 – Santa Clara, CA
The Table – San Jose, CA (Willow Glenn)
Bistro Elan – Palo Alto, CA
Chez TJ – Mountain View, CA
The Counter – Palo Alto, CA
Village Pub – Redwood City, CA